Every Voice Counts

Join for FREE or LEVEL UP.

For this project to succeed we need to reach critical mass.

Free members can help us reach a large following,
so we really appreciate that!

Joining with a $10 contribution can help us achieve real goals like hiring another developer and branching out into television advertisements. (We already have an idea for a jingle!) With just 2,500 members we can reach another level of progress.

Will you be one of those drivers and customers who actually
DO something to help improve the system?


Join for Free

Tough times, right? We're not mad at ya.
We appreciate your thoughtful support.

Just subscribe for email updates, and you're in.
No shenanigans, just periodic project updates.


Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.

Want to do more?

The future thanks you.

Level up
Help create a platform

The gig delivery (passenger, food, shopping) mega-apps have let us all down, drivers and customers alike. 

We don't -have- to keep giving Uber, DoorDash, and InstaCart 80% of the gross transactions... for so little accountability.

Yes some local independent gig delivery cooperatives exist, but there's a high barrier to entry.

We would like to create an open-source platform for ANY neighborhood to use, along with a compilation of "best practices" we learn from running a few prototype co-ops.

Customers already pay top dollar for shitty  service.
Imagine if we gave them GOOD service.

We have a starting goal of $25,000 with an end goal of $125,000 for the new app. Some people will say it's too low a figure, some will say it's too high. There's no way to please everyone. Final metrics will result from thoughtful collaboration throughout the Spring of 2023.

To keep things real:

That breaks down to only 2,500 people joining at $10, to get started building the open-source platform (app).  

Let's do this!

Good customers exist.
Good drivers exist.
Let's get together.


As you know, membership can be free -or- paid. We appreciate all efforts. 
But we have some "thank you" gifts for those who go the extra mile.

Join with $10

Thank you so much!!
You're the backbone of this movement.


Join with $25

Get a trio of pulp-fiction style adventure stories, as our thanks! (Yes they're cheesy but they are your founder's true road stories. but they're all I can offer as my own thanks.)


Join with $100

Get a light cube as thanks,
and the book trio! (This is so cool, this is going to be our major fundraiser in the future - selling these for actually less than this amount here but we are fundraising, eh??)


Join with $10
Thank You!

We Only Need 2,500 People at $10
(or 3,000 people after bank fees lol)

We don't -have- to keep giving Uber, DoorDash, and InstaCart 80% of the gross transactions... for NO accountability.

Join with $25
Thank You Gift!
Get a trio of pulp-fiction style adventure stories!

They're just PDFs to view. No spam, no signups.
Just thanks.

(These are your founder's true road stories. Yes they're kind of cheesy but they're all I can offer as a personal thanks. They're short and... reasonably entertaining I've been told.)

Join with $100
and get a Light Cube for your porch!

Helps your driver find you easily.
Set near porch steps or in apt window.

(makes a great gift)
(you also get the book trio)

(Check it out: This is actually going to be one of our future advertised fundraisers, once we raise enough funds to buy the first bulk order. Right now these sell on Amazon for $20. We can possibly source them for under half that from Ali/AliExpress, but obviously a bulk order would be required. Hot bags are on the list for fund-raising also, again, if we can amass an initial bulk order.)

Join DeliveryCats Today!

Join with $10

Thank you so much!!
We know times are tough.
Let's make it better.


Join with $25

Get a trio of pulp-fiction style adventure stories, as our thanks! (Yes they're cheesy but they are your founder's true road stories. but they're all I can offer as my own thanks.)


Join with $100

Get a light cube as thanks, and the book trio! (This is so cool, this is going to be our major fundraiser in the future - selling these for actually less than this amount here but we are fundraising, eh??)


Critical Mass

Every voice counts.
Social media shares are gold.
If you support this, help us reach critical mass.

